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Future Future
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What if we designed products with materials that get people to care about what they consume? How can we reorganize people’s mindset about the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle? As growing societies, we need to Reduce what we think we need while keeping economies healthy and dynamic. We need to see Reuse as a beautiful opportunity to connect emotionally with objects. We need to create the appropriate infrastructures to Recycle our trash in a way that makes sense in the long term. Much has changed about how we function in our world since the start of the pandemic. Because so much of our daily lives require living in the digital world, we’re craving more comfort and emotional support from the natural world. That support may come from our relationship with other humans, pets, food, nature, or objects. We often debate the consciousness about the materials that surround us. Why do we buy what we do? What is considered conscious design versus stuff with no meaning? As designers, we control interactions and feelings around the objects we design with our understanding of materials and can create meaningful impact. In the product development process, designers and companies consider cost, performance, the environment, desirability, authenticity, and so much more when choosing the right materials for a product or built environment. Learn how designers at Nonfiction think through these decisions, and how we all can make better decisions around what products we purchase. This episode explores materials and their properties, material science and sustainability, and solutions for a healthy planet. We will also cover how marketing often has you believe that some materials are good for the planet but actually aren’t. Be sure to comment with ideas or experiences that can inspire industry influencers to make a difference for the future we are leaving our children.

Circular Economy

What do hardware products look like in a circular economy? How do we get there?

Designing For the Planet

Why are we talking about "sustainability" when we should be advocating for "regeneration".

Future of Humans

How will humans thrive when the Earth's population hits 10 billion people?

Thriving Humans

Let's discuss the tools and philosophies that help us design for thriving humans.

Design for Disability

What does it mean to design for disability, and how it benefits all of us.

Air, Water and Food

What are the necessary ingredients to sustain the ever-growing population on planet Earth?

Design for Humanity

Designing for longevity, health, wellness, comfort, and equality to server humanity.

Design for Impact

The power of design can positively impact humans and the environment.

What We Do at Nonfiction

We merge science, technology, business, art, and design to create a better future.

The Future of Food

Revolutionary food tech has shaped our society and can save communities in extreme environments.


Hydroponics can grow delicious food, save water, topsoil and space – and even remove toxins.

Material Libraries

Our in-house Material ConneXion library gives us first hand experience with material properties.

Material Storytelling

At Nonfiction, we use materials to tell creative and engaging product stories.

How Design Can Help

We think about design, business, market adoption and more to create market-leading products.

Ergonomic Design

Ergonomic design is more than comfort. It empowers people through safe and familiar interactions.

Color on the Moon

What will space look like when humans become an interplanetary species.

The Right Questions

Six questions that guide our decision making and lead to innovative solutions.

Fast, Cheap & High Quality

You can have fast, cheap or high quality, but not all three.

Future of Business Class

Transforming business class so it is more aligned with how people do business today.

Productive Leadership

What attitudes and behaviors make up a productive leader?


The hyperproductive attitudes, behaviors, and habits we use at Nonfiction for life balance.

The Future of Space

Human flourishing and the outer space are intimately connected and we're gonna look at how.

Non-Toxicity & Sustainability

Moving toward a non-toxic future with seaweed plastics, sustainable business models and more!

Advocating for Sustainable Brands

Design and sustainability go hand in hand, and must be integrated into every aspect of a product.


Finishes impact how people experience products, from brand connection to emotional reaction.

Seduction & Sustainability of Finishes

At Nonfiction, we select product finishes that connect to users emotionally and are sustainable.


Considering materials, use and human experience when designing products for manufacturing.

The Sustainability of Materials

Phnam and Mardis Bagley share creative behavior changes we can adopt to mitigate harm to the planet.


Color as storytelling is a powerful tool. It can impact moods, behaviors, and more.

Culture & Psychology of Color

See the fascinating ways that color can elicit emotions, and how we use color to express ourselves.

The Science of Color

We explore the science of color, its interpretation and more to create brand stories.

Logic, Experience, Intuition

We use Logic, Experience and Intuition to make leaps in innovation quickly and in unexpected ways.

Conceptual Design

Conceptual design is where world changing ideas start. Take a peek into our methodologies.

Transformational Technologies

Transformational technologies are the future of human flourishing.

Evolution vs. Revolution

Is your product an evolution of an existing design, or a complete industry revolution?

Design for Manufacturing

Understanding Design for Manufacturing is key to maintaining design intent in mass production.

Who do We Design for?

It is the designer's imperative to understand the needs of users and other stakeholders.

Natural Design

So many devices today are not inline with the human experience.

The future of Work

Did you know that 65% of the jobs kids of today will have in the future...

The Future of Education

What do successful children of tomorrow need today?

Sustainability: Beware of fake eco-friendly products!

Design for disassembly, monstrous hybrids, innovative new materials, and faux environmental products

Agile Hardware

Agile vs. Waterfall. The many advantages in turning industrial design into an agile methodology.

The Cost Of Design

Good hardware design requires experienced professionals to manage the true costs.

The Future of Airlines: Pleasure in flight

Tired of being treated like cattle? We are. What if we celebrated the journey?

The Future of Airlines: Hygiene in a post-COVID world

Flying in a post-COVID world considers hygiene, HCI, hospitality and efficiency.